Sunday, 4 March 2012

Facebook or Yellow Journal??

Off-late there is an abundance of posts on Facebook, being generated automatically by the websites people are accessing, even without their knowledge. Many a websites, from video sharing sites to newspapers now have plugins which integrate them with Facebook. And if you are logged into Facebook while accessing these, they very well have access to information about you and can even post on your wall. While some of the more decent ones prompt before posting anything, there are the naughtier ones which decide to let your friends know what you are upto, even if it is one of your bathroom secrets which you don't want to let out of the door. One such occurrence off-late is of the video sharing site Dailymotion posting on walls of people, the videos they have been watching on the site. Well everyone watches the dirtier stuff on the net; whats the fun of coming online without that anyway? But we don't want the whole world to know the details, do we, especially since some of our parents have figured out the PC off-late and are on an adding spree on Facebook, and its becoming harder to keep them at bay. Interestingly, some of the people who have got caught red-handed with interesting video views are these same semi-techno-literate elders, who later don't even know how to make the newsfeed go away :).
I am just dreading the day Facebook fits in a plugin inside our potties that posts automatically on our walls what we have been eating and what we have been throwing out in minute details. That day, my friend, isn't too far away !!